When deciding where to put your foods and
Bird Feeders, it helps to try to put yourself in the mind of a bird, which brings a whole new meaning to bird brain doesn’t it! By this we mean don’t simply put bird food out where it is most convenient for you, as birds may find a location too exposed or too close for the possibility of ambush and will be afraid to approach.
Most wild birds seem to prefer flying to and from cover to a relatively open feeding area where they have a good view of approaching dangers. It is best to position bird tables, feeders and platforms close enough to natural cover that birds have a safe place to retreat to in the event of a passing bird of prey or neighbourhood cat.
This is particularly important for ground feeding where you may consider using a ground guard, a special wire cage, to help keep feeding wild birds safe. If you have multiple
Bird Feeders, space them apart to prevent crowding and aggressive territorial behaviour and the possible spread of disease.
Try to reach a compromise between safety for the wild birds and you being able to enjoy your visitors.
Even if you have no garden, maybe because you live in a flat, if you have a balcony try hanging some
Feeders in a convenient place and provide plants in window boxes or if you have no balcony there are even
Feeders which attach directly to the outside of windows.