The birds are having a feast today
Date: 2014-12-19 11:13:50 | Category:
Bird Feeding | Author: Dame Brighid J NicPheadaran DStE
I have taken to crushing the
fat balls with a nut cracker - takes time - BUT the birds can all have a chunk; and less fighting among them to get at the balls. I had 30 seed and ball feeders out - 10;
fat ball; the rest
seed - not more than 34 seed hoppers work - between the severe wind blowing the tops away; and the seed sprouting; then the reminder; the jackdaws and crows removed the lids from the seed hoppers and never to be seen again - so; I have ball feeders hung for 50 balls; and I crunched up about 70 balls; and took 25 whole balls; and I strung these all over - so a minimum of about 750 birds on the ground at any one time. Which means the rest are in trees above. So, the birds are having a feast today. They are happy as pigs in a puddle.

I will order some seed later. They are leaving one kind of grain; will have a look to see which it is before I place order. You'd think they'd eat it all - as they are hungry!
I hate having the rain; BUT with the huge amount of birds; and all that bird poo - the rain washes most of it away. I used to have chickens; and I remember the smell - and when it is humid out - it smells like chicken poo. I am seeing a farmer today - and will see if I can get a few bales of straw - to put down; on foot paths and areas where the birds are mucking big time. I compost; so it should be ok.
I love the birds; love
watching them - BUT they are skittish; and I have to hide to watch them - so, few
photos. I am looking to Santa for a small outdoor; digital camera; to get pics - BUT will somehow get more pics. As it is now - I am setting camera on the window sill; and leaving it on record til the battery goes dead. I just never expected the worse of winter amount of birds so early.
Thanks again for such a delightful and well needed giftie. Thanks, Brighid