First Flurries of Snow

Date: 2015-01-14 14:13:50 | Category: Bird Feeding | Author: David Cole
Well, the first flurries of snow have arrived and it is a good time to batten down the hatches at the bird tables. All those good intentions can come to nothing if the carefully selected feeds are covered in a blanket of frozen snow.

So it is a good idea to provide some sort of protection for the feeders – even a large cardboard box placed on the side, facing away from the prevailing winds with a couple of bricks for stability will help to keep your food available during heavy snow – make sure that it is up from the ground or you will have made an excellent ambush for any cats that chance by……


Birds are vulnerable to cold weather if their food levels do not allow them to build up body heat – feathers are great insulators but even puffed up there are limits to keeping those tiny bodies warm.

Foods with a good fat content are a great help, but avoid waste kitchen fats as these often contain high levels of salt which can poison birds. Have a look at the TWOOTZ range of suet products – clean and convenient in pellet form and really popular with most birds.