Wrap up for Winter
Date: 2014-01-06 16:39:00 | Category:
Bird Watching | Author: Neill Hunt
Winter is upon and it's getting cold. Depending on the type of Bird Watcher you are, this may or may not make any difference to you birding activities. If you stock up the
Bird Feeders, put the fire on and view the birds from inside, that's great, you benefit and the birds benefit too...result!
I personally love winter birding, the cold air, the frantic flocks of feeding birds and the unpredictability of what you are going to see. If, like me you are going to venture out, there are a few things you should do to make it a worthwhile and pleasant experience.
First of all...wrap up well, there is nothing worse being cold out in the field. Put on plenty of layers (if the weather changes for the better, you can remove a layer). Hat (woolly, over the ears is better), gloves, scarf/neck warmer. Waterproof / windproof coat, good sturdy waterproof boots with a couple of pairs of socks. Wear or take waterproof trousers in case of a downpour, nothing worse than being cold AND wet.

(Please note on the above picture (no gloves) = cold hands! Took gloves off to give my friend the camera.)
If you are simply going for a local walk, grab the binoculars and away you go, take your phone and tell someone where you're going.
If you are going to visit a nature reserve, it may be a good idea to contact them before setting off, adverse weather conditions such as the recent flooding's often effect opening times and sometimes reserves close altogether. If it's open, great. It's a good idea to take a flask, a warm drink in a cold hide is a real treat! Don't forget your phone and please tell people where you've gone. Above all else have a great time, take your binoculars, telescope and camera if you use them and marvel at the birds, they're great.

Waxwings are a real winter treat, beautiful to look at, easy to identify and regularly seen in the winter period. They favour berry bushes and have a particular fondness of Rowan and Cotoneaster, look out for Waxwings on your next winter walk...you just don't know what's lurking around the corner or in the next bush.
Happy Birding everyone!