
Date: 2014-06-03 09:46:24 | Category: Bird Protection | Author: Neill Hunt
My local vet / friend gave me a quick call yesterday to go and identify a recently fledged bird that someone had taken into the practice. As you can see the 'baby' in question was a young Blackbird.


He was given the exact location of the 'pickup' so we ventured down and released it, within 5 minutes of the youngster calling the adult female was at its side with a big juicy worm!


Please, if you come across recently fledged birds leave them alone, 99.9% of the time the adults won't be far away. If you feel the youngster is in huge danger (sat at the side of a busy road for example) you could move it back into cover very close to were you find it.


Please, please, please do not take home or to the vet, there is very little they can do.