Cranberry Fat Feast
fat feast

Fat Feast Suet Cake Treat Block With Cranberries for Wild Birds

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Cereals, suet, calcium, oils, fats and cranberries.

Product Details

Suet is a pure refined fat, and a good source of concentrated energy food for wild birds. Suitable for both adults and fledglings, suet can be fed all year round as it helps the birds through nesting, breeding, rearing as well as arming them for the cold winter months.

Cranberry Fat Feast is made from a blend of suet, calcium and cranberries, making these suet cakes appeal to a wide range of wild birds and providing them with a high energy food source in a handy block.

Suet cakes attracts an array of birds such as robins, finches, wrens, sparrows, dunnocks, starlings, siskins, nuthatches and tits.

These suet blocks contain a mix of suet and cranberries to tickle the taste buds of all wild birds. Feed from a purpose made fat feast feeder that can be hung in your bird's favourite feeding spot, or directly from the bird table.

Cranberry Fat Feast is favoured by the following bird(s)